Nil-Rate Band Discretionary Trust package
Explaining Nil-Rate Band Discretionary Trusts to your clients isn’t easy, however, the recent changes to inheritance tax and freezing of nil-rate band levels means that there is a growing need for NRBDTs to be considered as part of estate planning options.
- A two-page general guide to NRBDTs
Four single pages per topic so that you as the adviser can select the relevant one for your client.
- NRBDT guide for unmarried couples
- NRBDT guide for remarried widows/widowers
- NRBDT guide for couples with estates over £2million
- NRBDT guide for blended families
The NRBDT package will be branded with your logo and contact details and can be used online or printed.
Explaining Nil-Rate Band Discretionary Trusts to your clients isn’t easy, however, the recent changes to inheritance tax and freezing of nil-rate band levels means that there is a growing need for NRBDTs to be considered as part of estate planning options. Having information on NRBDTs to give to your clients will help you be more prepared and able to give them the information they need.
- A two-page general guide to NRBDTs
Four single pages per topic so that you as the adviser can select the relevant one for your client.
- NRBDT guide for unmarried couples
- NRBDT guide for remarried widows/widowers
- NRBDT guide for couples with estates over £2million
- NRBDT guide for blended families
The NRBDT package will be branded with your logo and contact details and can be used online or printed.