LPA v Deputyship


Our double sided A4 factsheet, customised with your logo and contact details, shows the difference between LPA and deputyship for clients to compare and contrast easily. We also include some real life scenarios to help clients see the practical and emotional ways an LPA may help families.


    Our LPA v Deputsyhip factsheet makes it crystal clear to your clients the benefit of making an LPA versus leaving it to the Court of Protection.

    This factsheet is ideal for clients who are unsure whether an LPA is worth it or necessary to do. It’s for those clients who are sitting on the fence after you have explained all the reasons why an LPA is sensible to have.

    Written in conjunction with a Court of Protection specialist, this factsheet helps clients to compare and contrast the differences between making an LPA and applying for a deputyship and highlights the financial costs, choices and time involved.